Intervju med Luke Elliot

Amerikanske Luke Elliot returnerer til Norge i Mai, og vi har hatt gleden av å få slå av en prat med han.

Foto: Cem Gültepe

En oppfølger til “Dressed for the Occasion” skal ut til massene i høst, og Luke Elliot gleder seg! 20. April slapp han smakebiten I Love You (All the Way). En låt som virkelig bygger forventningene til når resten av albumet slippes. Han skal ut på en liten turné i Mai, med hele 4 konserter i Norge! Han er virkelig en Norge-elsker, og gleder seg masse til å kunne spille for det norske publikummet igjen.

So, you’re coming back to Norway. What do you feel about playing for your Norwegian fans again?

Norwegian fans seem to have a particular appetite for my work.

I’m excited. I have a close connection with Norway and the people there. We released “Dressed for the Occasion” in Scandinavia first because of the demand, and the fans have always been very open-hearted and grateful. I’m looking forward to seeing them respond to the new material.

You are playing quite a lot of concerts in Norway on the tour. Any particular reason for this?

Norwegian fans seem to have a particular appetite for my work. I wanted to do a few extra shows showcasing some new material.

With the amazing success after «Dressed for the Occasion», will the new album continue on the same path musicwise, or are we to expect something brand new?

The new record seems to be taking a bit more of a vulnerable path. As you can hear from I Love You (All the Way), the songs seems, to me, to open itself up to my audience. It feels more like I’m sharing something personal. I’d expect more of that sort of thing for the LP.

How was it to work with the amazing John Agnello?

We did the last record with John, and he was just as inspired and lovely this time around.  He’s always been such a pleasure to work with.

(John Agnello har tidligere jobbet sammen med Kurt Vile, Sonic Youth og Dinosaur Jr.)

Datoene for miniturnéen er:

04.05. Rockefeller, Oslo

05.05  Energimølla, Kongsberg

10.05  Madame Felle, Bergen

12.05  Astrum, Clarion Congress, Trondheim

Luke Elliot på Facebook

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