Piknik i Parken managed to maintain its happy vibes, good acts and cosy atmosphere on the its third and last day.
Foto: Johannes Andersen
The last day of Piknik i Parken 2018 opened with Travis, the nineties act from Glasgow which has managed to keep showing a high level of quality and released their 8th album in 2016. With vocalist Fran Healy rocking a Kilt, the band recently honoured at the Scottish Music Awards for their outstanding contribution to music, presented songs from their previous albums, heavily relying on «The Man Who» album and «The Invisible Band». This was definitely a good start of the day, however, I would’ve enjoyed it more if they were featured a little bit later during the day. Probably their early appearance helped bringing more audience since the first act, despite the heavy rain.
Why does it always rain on me?
As the day passed by the weather got better and the attendance improved.
As the day passed by the weather got better and the attendance improved. The best atmosphere was experienced at the Borggården, the inner courtyard of the Vigelands Museum. They hosted cool acts that displayed moments of very good quality, such as Fenne Lily and Hayden Powell Trio. Most of them relaxed, and even melancholic, but very enjoyable and suitable for that stage. Unfortunately, Hak Baker didn’t make it to the festival due to transportation problems.
This year the festival came up with a very good solution for a third stage, just across the road of Halvdan Svartes gate. The Triangle stage witnessed some of the most interesting new acts, such as the norwegian bands Pikekyss and Gurls. They managed to encourage people and bring some of the happiest moments of the day.
The definitive top moment
The best act of the day without a doubt was Jakob Banks.
The last two shows of the day were according to the usual relaxed vibes of PiP and brought some good moments during their acts. While Kelela played at Triangle, MEW closed the festival at the main stage where the first half included songs from different albums, and in the second half the band presented Frengers from 2003 as part of the concept show. All dressed in black, the danish band showed some interesting video sequences created by its own members, helping take the attention from a rather stale presence of the band members. However their whole presentation was true to the dreamy and cosy feeling of the whole festival.
Piknik i Parken managed to have an amazing organisation once again, facilitating the enjoyment of the public with happy vibes, good acts and the typical cosy atmosphere of the festival. We hope that they manage to keep it that way now that the organisers have announced that PiP will be moved to Sofienberg Park in 2019.
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